Frequently Asked Questions...

1.  Why do I need a Website? 

The Internet is the fastest growing marketing and communications medium in the world.  Websites can increase your professionalism, create a 24 hour service, serve global and local markets, permit feedback from your customers and allow businesses to reach specialized markets.

2.  How do I draw customers?

You don't want a one-time visitor, you want repeat business.  You need to get customers to your site, stimulate their interest and have them come back again.  You need to provide your visitors with up-to-date information about your company, your services, your products, new promotions etc.

3.  How do I know if a Website can help my business?

Almost any company could benefit from a Website.  It is becoming a preferred way for many people to buy. Even for those who do not buy online, many are using the Web as a screening tool.  When potential customers hear about your company, the first thing they will do is search the Web for your site.  If you don't have one, that would be frustrating and make them less likely to do business with you.  It also is a great way of presenting information to your current customers, as well as those you haven't met yet. The reach is  world-wide, 24/7 and the investment is very small compared to any other form of marketing.

4.  How do I make my current Website more profitable?

One of the things we can do is take existing sites and refurbish them, multiplying their effectiveness.  Most sites suffer from one of three things, all of which we can help with:

  • Poor design 
  • Disorganization 
  • Lack of professional Web site management and promotion    
  •  5.  Do you create or host pornographic sites?


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